2011 Melinda Hall "A Brief History"

2011 Melinda Hall Poster 

Hall, a longtime Santa Fean, continues to merge imagery and text in her whimsical paintings of dogs, cats, automobiles, and other objects.

“My style evolved in the struggle of push and pull between artist and canvas, in the space of my own private, quirky little battleground of observation, interpretation, intention, and application,” she once wrote. “What has resulted is a visual journal, a commentary on many universal subjects.”

And as she also said, “In my paintings the subject matter revolves around simple yet fundamental aspects of life, home, pets, travels, observations of everyday objects and events.”

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2019 Ramona Sakiestewa "Blue Raven"

2019 Ramona Sakiestewa Poster 

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2018 Ed Sandoval "Santa Fe Wine & Chile Fiesta"

2018 Ed Sandoval Poster or Signed Lithograph Print 


2022 Kevin Red Star "Wine, Chili & Grapes"

2022 Kevin Red Star Poster 

"Indian culture has in the past been ignored to a great extent. It is for me . . . a rich source of creative expression. An intertwining of my Indian culture with contemporary art expression has given me a greater insight concerning my art." - Kevin Red Star

Kevin Red Star s art is honored throughout Native America for its authenticity. It presents a shining vision of centuries-old Crow (Absaroke) culture through the eyes of a thoroughly contemporary consciousness. Red Star grew up on the Crow reservation in southern Montana, a member of a highly creative family. Chosen to be in the first group of students at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe in the late sixties, the school provided him with a learning environment of tribal traditions, world art history, and current trends. Red Star and his fellow students mined their ancient customs for content and then created exciting new forms to provide current relevance. Along with other members of his graduating class, Red Star continued his studies at the San Francisco Art Institute.

2021 Dan Namingha "New Mexico Summer Moon"

2021 Dan Namingha Poster & Signed Lithograph Print 

Add this beautiful "New Mexico Summer Moon" artwork by our 2021 featured artist, Dan Namingha, to your collection!

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1993 Lea Bradovich "Santa Fe Wine & Chile Fiesta"

1993 Lea Bradovich Poster 

A self-described “portrait wonk,” Bradovich is a bit of a magical realist, a graduate of the University of Minnesota (BFA in painting), Parson’s School of Design, the Pratt Institute (MFA in painting), and the Studio Escalier in Argenton Chateau, France.

As she once said, if delight is sufficient reason to proceed, she will proceed. And so she has. Continuing to produce playful, Renaissance-style figurative and portrait paintings that are often playful as they are allegorical.

1997 Ford Ruthling "Santa Fe Wine & Chile !Fiesta!"

1997 Ford Ruthling Poster & Signed Lithograph 

A Santa Fe native, Ruthling was born in the original St. Vincent Hospital (now the site of the Drury Hotel) in 1933, and passed away in 2015 after a long and varied career in watercolor, tin, wood, clay, iron and paper. His oil paintings of Pueblo Indian pottery were featured on a series of U.S. postage stamps in 1977, and as he liked to say, “Some artists do one thing only, but I like to explore all the possibilities.”

He studied art at The University of New Mexico (under Randall Davey), later enlisted in the Air Force and in 1993 was named a Santa Fe Living Treasure. As he once told a reporter from The New Mexican: “If I can create something for myself — and it’s liked by the public and sells — great. An artist’s first responsibility is to themselves, but hopefully in expressing themselves they will connect to other minds.”

Ask about our signed posters!